Return on Capital Employed

December 10, 2022by Rajen Gala CFP, CTEP0

Return on Capital Employed

  • Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is used in finance as a measure of returns that a company is realizing from its capital employed.
  • Capital Employed is represented as total assets minus current liabilities. In other words, it is the value of the assets that contribute to a company’s ability to generate revenue.
  • ROCE is thus a ratio that indicates the efficiency and profitability of a company’s capital investments (stocks, shares and long term liabilities).

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)

It is expressed as:-

                                                                         ROCE =    Earnings / Capital Employed  X 100  

  • The numerator is Earnings before Interest & Tax. It is net revenue after all the operating expenses are deducted.
  • The denominator (capital employed) denotes sources of funds such as equity and short-term debt financing which is used for the day-to-day running of the company.

 What does ROCE say…

  • It is a useful measurement for comparing the relative profitability of companies.
  • ROCE does not consider profit margins (percentage of profit) alone but also considers the amount of capital utilized for those profits to happen.
  • It is possible that a company’s profit margin is higher than that of another company, but its ability to get better return on its capital may be lower.

So, ROCE is a measure of efficiency also

For Example…

Company A makes a profit of Rs.200/- on sales of Rs.2000/-

Company B makes a profit of Rs.300/- on sales of Rs.2000/-

In terms of pure profitability, Company B has profitability of 15% (Rs.300/-  /  Rs.2000/-) x 100

This is far ahead of company A which has 10% profitability (Rs.200/-  /  Rs.2000/-) x 100


  • Let us assume that Company A had employed Rs.1000/- of capital and Company B used Rs.2000/- to earn their respective profits.

So, ROCE of A is:- (earnings / capital employed)

  • (Rs.200/- /  1000/-) X 100 = 20%
  • While ROCE of B is:-
  • (Rs.300/- /  2000/-) X 100 = 15%
  • Thus, ROCE shows us that Company A makes better use of its capital, though its profit percentage is lower than that of Company B.
  • In other words, it is able to squeeze more earnings out of every rupee of capital it employs.


  • ROCE should always be higher than the cost of borrowing.
  • An increase in the company’s borrowings will put an additional debt burden on the company and will reduce shareholders’ earnings.
  • So, as a thumb rule, a ROCE of 20% or more is considered very good.
  • If a company has a low ROCE, it means that it is using its resources inefficiently, even if its profit margin is high.

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